
Monday, April 14, 2008

Sensational Sunday

WOW, what a great day - went to UCO to enjoy Elizabeth's Senior Recital, and enjoy we did, her choice of material, her poise, and delivery of said material was fabulous! 5 Stars Miss Elizabeth - and no Granny is not a bit prejudiced. Every one at your reception was full of praise for you, especially Dr. Gobish? and Pastor Ted. Every one loved it - I didn't get into the gaggle of friends you had there, but they certainly looked like they enjoyed! Thanks darling girl for a lovely memory.
By the time we got home it was supper time for Muffin, and she was a little miffed that she had to spend most of the day alone--she didn't get into too much trouble, I haven't checked the back yard for socks yet, but think everything is where it is supposed to be. (you remember she "takes" things and transports them outside when she gets bored).
Little nippy this morning, but maybe it will get better soon. Have a lovely day everyone, I am going to.

Friday, April 11, 2008

So What Else is new!

Not much going on here, rain one day, sun the next - hope this good spell lasts thru Sunday at least. New Baby in our family, haven't seen him yet, but I've been warned he has big feet! His pictures look adorable, and of course he must be a good baby, that's the only kind. Congrats to Sam and Andrea on this new little twig on our family tree.
Lots of graduations in the family coming up, I understand there will be 3, no make that 4 --just learned of the last one in the past few days. Congrats to all and many good wishes for continued success.
I've been working on the genealogy a little bit lately. Found a long lost family that I had been searching for, and that was a thrill. I found them when I signed in on Classmates (my elementary school); the younger generation went to the same school, many years later than I did, but I recognized the name. So I've been busy catching them up on the family tree (my mothers side). And been promised a lot of info that I don't have. This is not of much interest to anybody but me, but what the heck, I enjoyed it. I am not to sure this blog is read anyway. and that's OK, I like it.
Keep well everyone, blessings to all.