
Thursday, August 28, 2008

update summer of 2008

Here it is August 28, 2008, last time I posted was June 22, 2008 - no body has read it yet, but hey, who cares, I am going to update anyway!
May, we had a hail storm - gotta have a new roof, new carport, and new patio covers = that should keep me busy for a while. Today I can say the carport and patio covers are on and the east gable that the hail broke out is back in, all looking good. The roof will come in September (when it is somewhat cooler). getting all that scheduled was the biggest mess, so now I'm just biding my time waiting for the next round of roofers and gutterers and all that jazz. Church is going along slowly, we have a new Pastor, and I feel sure he will vitalize us one of these days.
My flower garden began in the spring with lots of pretty daffodils and tiger lily's and then came the iris and day lilys and continuing on into summer the lovely pink cone flowers and gallardia. The last two are still blooming, which is amazing after all the hot hot weather. I tried to water, but didn't do a really good job. I have seperated some of the iris at Clay's house, and some are ready for planting. They will add much to the beauty of the spring time in 2009.
We made a trip to Tulsa on August 16th., and ate at our favorite place to eat in that area, Locust Grove at the Country Cottage- it is such a fun place, the food is always good, and the decor is just out of this world---well you know what has happened at Locust Grove, yep - I got it. I was sick the whole next week, with all the classic symptoms (and I won't bore you with that said tail) but now I am better, under the Doctor's care and on a super anti botic (one that you can't take while your sick). I return to the Doctor tomorrow for the results of all the tests, and I am sure he will tell me I'm on the mend. I only have one suggestion for anyone who thinks they may have this condition--don't take any medication-rest and drink water, lots of water. This E coli (that I had) does not make one nauceous. Drink lots and help it get out of your system. Also I should have gone to the doctor much sooner, but I had no idea how much danger I was in or I would have. I think the system for reporting these things and getting it out to the public needs to be updated, and immediately posted-so what if every one gets alarmed, It might save some lives. I did not know about this outbreak until I was almost over it, and I heard it on the radio going back over to Tulsa. Of course the very next morning it was headline on the DAily OK. And when I got to my Doctors Office, he had no idea what I was babbling about- and had to go look it up on the Web! Ladies!! you must be your own advocate and speak up for yourself - thats my soap box for today. Have a wonderful Labor Day Holiday, and a beautiful fall - much love and many blessings...