
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday March 25, 2009

Hello Again...didn't get any answers to my last hello, but surely somebody will read this, and at least sign on that they saw it.
Its a great Day Saw Tucker & Elizabeth on GMA, made it to Bible Study, and now I'm home. We have had fairly nice weather (except for WIND), but the weatherman says we will have SNOW on Friday----hope this does not interfere with any travel plans.
The purple Iris are in bloom at Clay's house. I have buds but no flowers yet, sure hope the snow dosn't get them. Daffidols have come and gone (very few), and the Redbuds are in full bloom and very beautiful. Have a great day family, I am going to! Blessings to all


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Helloooooooo - - - anybody out there?

Happy St. Patrick's day! I know it isn't until Tuesday, but I may forget by then - It is my turn to bring Refreshments to Bible Study on Wednesday, so you see I'm early and late. It is a lovely day today, sun shining, temp in the 60's, and I've made it to Church and Back.
All my family bloggers have stopped blogging! What Happened! I miss you all (Elizabeth this does not apply to you! I am loving your Blog) anyway, if you happen on to this poor lonely blog, give me a shout and tell me what is going on in your world. Blessings, love you all.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


No I'm not kidding - there was an earthquake this morning, and it was felt in Del City by me! I was reading my E Mail, and all of a sudden I heard what I thought was something thrown at the house, and my hot glue gun jumped off the shelf-- I checked all around to see what else happened (Did Clay or Muffin fall out of bed??) no, all is well, I could not figure out what it was until the weatherman on Channel Four told me. Ah Life is exciting! Thanks Heavenly Father for nothing more serious.
As to the rest of my life, its pretty quiet. Beginning the usual summer strange things happening with the yard, and broken fences and all that jazz. Clay's brother is coming over, and he promised he would take me to the lumber yard and get a load of fence slats ( at least a dozen), so I can nail them back up as they get knocked down. I can only get about 4 in the back of my car, and its gets tiresome. BG has a pick up truck. We went to Tulsa yesterday, just a nice trip. Its time for to get ready for church - blessings to all who read this -